Monday, 21 August 2017

Antony & Cleopatra essay focuses - Egypt

Hi everyone,

As promised, here's those notes I showed today.  Hope it helps, let me know if you have any questions.  Have a crack at other paragraphs!

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic presentation of Egypt in the play ‘Antony & Cleopatra’.

Possible topics to cover:

What characterises Egypt?
            Excess without restraint
            Wealth & Luxury - exotics
            Fleshly pursuits  (Food, sensuality, & entertainment)
            Change & deception
            Mysticism / godlessness / paganism (Egyptian gods)

What makes these characteristics stand out?
            Contrast with Rome; juxtaposed through structure of scene arrangement
            Language focuses, interests
            Drama, passion, emotion
            Emphasis on Egypt as a location for play’s action
            Its effect on others, particularly Antony

Other considerations:
            Gender powers (Rome is dominated by a male authority, Egypt by female)
            Gender roles / gender swapping (and comedic vs tragic conventions)
            Hierarchy & conduct (social, militia, personal)


- T. Marcus

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