Thursday, 24 August 2017

Practice exam questions

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic presentation of loyalty and betrayal in Twelfth Night.

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic presentation of the relationship between Antony
and Octavius Caesar in the play.

These are pretty standard question types and styles from Cambridge.  Enjoy.

- T. Marcus

Monday, 21 August 2017

Antony & Cleopatra essay focuses - Egypt

Hi everyone,

As promised, here's those notes I showed today.  Hope it helps, let me know if you have any questions.  Have a crack at other paragraphs!

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic presentation of Egypt in the play ‘Antony & Cleopatra’.

Possible topics to cover:

What characterises Egypt?
            Excess without restraint
            Wealth & Luxury - exotics
            Fleshly pursuits  (Food, sensuality, & entertainment)
            Change & deception
            Mysticism / godlessness / paganism (Egyptian gods)

What makes these characteristics stand out?
            Contrast with Rome; juxtaposed through structure of scene arrangement
            Language focuses, interests
            Drama, passion, emotion
            Emphasis on Egypt as a location for play’s action
            Its effect on others, particularly Antony

Other considerations:
            Gender powers (Rome is dominated by a male authority, Egypt by female)
            Gender roles / gender swapping (and comedic vs tragic conventions)
            Hierarchy & conduct (social, militia, personal)


- T. Marcus