Thursday, 3 March 2016

Shakespeare and Spenser

Hi ladies,

So - by now your heads are bubbling with trying to figure out Shakespeare's sonnets.  He loves to use imagery and any available puns by playing on words and their possible meanings, so watch out for that.  His images usually progress as we saw with sonnet 73.

Meanwhile, Spenser is back!  Here's a link to a great investigation of "The Faerie Queene" - Book 7, Canto 6 and Canto 7.

The first Romantic epic since... Chaucer, I think it was.  At any rate, a huge accomplishment.  Once again Mr. Sir will be very helpful, though he didn't do a lot of background checking into The Faerie Queene itself in terms of its contextual contribution towards this extract.  Still, worth reading his notes.

This is a splendidly written summary of the entire work, which even does a single-sentence breakdown of what each book discusses or represents.

Finally, you could always find it helpful to have further background on Spenser and the poems he wrote (including Faerie Queene).

Enjoy.  :)

- T. Marcus

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