Sunday, 4 February 2018

Welcome to 2018 AS Literature!

Hi people, Teacher Matt checking in for the new year- watch this space for things to come...

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Welcome back! New essay:

Hi everyone,

Here's the next essay question:

In what ways, and with what dramatic effects, does Shakespeare contrast Antony and Octavius Caesar? 

Make critical judgements, then use all the best evidences from the text to back up your conclusions.

Let me know if you'd like any further suggestions.

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Practice exam questions

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic presentation of loyalty and betrayal in Twelfth Night.

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic presentation of the relationship between Antony
and Octavius Caesar in the play.

These are pretty standard question types and styles from Cambridge.  Enjoy.

- T. Marcus

Monday, 21 August 2017

Antony & Cleopatra essay focuses - Egypt

Hi everyone,

As promised, here's those notes I showed today.  Hope it helps, let me know if you have any questions.  Have a crack at other paragraphs!

Discuss Shakespeare’s dramatic presentation of Egypt in the play ‘Antony & Cleopatra’.

Possible topics to cover:

What characterises Egypt?
            Excess without restraint
            Wealth & Luxury - exotics
            Fleshly pursuits  (Food, sensuality, & entertainment)
            Change & deception
            Mysticism / godlessness / paganism (Egyptian gods)

What makes these characteristics stand out?
            Contrast with Rome; juxtaposed through structure of scene arrangement
            Language focuses, interests
            Drama, passion, emotion
            Emphasis on Egypt as a location for play’s action
            Its effect on others, particularly Antony

Other considerations:
            Gender powers (Rome is dominated by a male authority, Egypt by female)
            Gender roles / gender swapping (and comedic vs tragic conventions)
            Hierarchy & conduct (social, militia, personal)


- T. Marcus

Monday, 10 July 2017

Term Two study break

Hi everyone,

Hope you're being strategic about getting some down-time and still getting done the things that need to be done!

To that end, here's what I expect to be done:

  • Read Antony & Cleopatra (main play text)
  • Read Intro to Antony & Cleopatra, at least through first 15 pages (main play text)
  • Read summary & analysis for all scenes in Antony & Cleopatra (study guide)
  • Revise and consolidate ALL notes for ALL other texts - these should reduce your notes to core basics for all poems, chapters, and scenes.
  • Choose the four poems you will be memorising in preparation for your examinations, and begin memorising.  At least two of these should be memorised before we return to Term Three.

And no essay for the holidays!  I know; I'm amazing.  :)


- T. Marcus

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Twelfth Night - Week 6 reading

Hi everyone,

This week's readings:

Main text-

  • If you haven't finished it yet, do.

Study Guide-

  • 'The Pangs of Laughter', 'Antonio's Agony'; p45
  • p83, 85-87

Also, you should start going back through the study guide and developing your scene notes.

- T. Marcus

Monday, 26 June 2017

Twelfth Night - Week 5 reading

Hi everyone,

This week's readings:

Main text-

  • Act 4, Scene 3 - end; p143-162 (sorry, last week's pages were meant to read 119-142)
  • Intro, p36-46 (Stage history)

Study Guide-

  • Act 4&5 summary / analysis; p50-54
  • Using Critical Interpretations & Perspectives, p98-105

Sorry this one is so late!

- T. Marcus