Sunday, 28 February 2016

Chidiock Tichborne - Further information

The poem you know as Written the Night Before His Execution is more classically known as Tichborne's Elegy.

This page has some good information on the poet and general observations about the poem's composition - you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find all that.

Still, for this level, I find this link from University of Buckingham to be the most informative and insightful by far.

Let me know if you come across anything else in your research that you think I should add to the blog for your classmates!

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Next essay!

Hi girls,

Okay, here's the question.  Due Friday 4th March.

‘My verse your virtues rare shall eternise’ (‘Sonnet 75’)

Compare ways in which two poems present the loved one. 

Have fun!

- T. Maracus

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Spensers sonnet collection "Amoretti"

Hi girls,

Gradesaver has a few good things to say on Spenser's Amoretti, although when you look at the "Summary and Analysis" section of any particular sonnets, you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to get the analysis (which I think is the more useful part for you).

Don't worry, it's nowhere NEAR as exhaustive as what we do in class.  Some good thoughts there.

I particularly advise a thorough investigation of Shmoop's page on Sonnet 75, as it will further yield information on both the sonnet and some context of Spenser and his aim in writing it.

Much of this post has already covered the initial findings of the Google search "amoretti spenser", but if you're looking for further information then I recommend going to Poetry Foundation and typing in Edmund Spenser.  They often have quite a lot of information about the background and life of poets.

Hope that helps!

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Next essay!

Hi everyone,

Okay, your next assignment is another Songs of Ourselves essay!  Joy and rapture!  Assignment is as follows:

Comment closely on ways in which the poem Written the Night Before His Execution presents attitudes to the closeness of death.

Essay is due Friday 27th Feb.

Additionally, on Tuesday I'd like you to have some kind of a plan and perhaps a paragraph or two that you could show me as a starting point.

- T. Marcus

Monday, 15 February 2016

A Litany in time of Plague

First, spell 'plague' correctly.  Common misspellings include plauge, plaque and plage.  The middle one there is still something to look out for, but nothing that regular floss and a good dentist can't handle.

A few other things we didn't handle in class are found in this article; particularly take note that this was part of a larger work that was meant overall to be a comedy!  What does that suggest about the nature of this poem?  What is being ridiculed?  Additionally, this poem was a song!

Be cautious when looking up this poem - initial results will feature Mr. Sir's site but also a few student analyses including a blog entry and a prezi slideshow.  Look at what they have to say if you like, and be very critical of their conclusions.  Decide how well they have argued (or, in some cases, if they've argued anything at all!)

Have fun.  I'll add more links to the side, but I think this plus your own searches and existing notes should be fine for this moment.

- T. Marcus

Tuesday, 2 February 2016


Hi everyone,

Please make sure to regularly check the tabs on the right for new links!  I will add these as I find them and may not necessarily remember to mention it in class.

Remember to finish reading p6-14 in the course books, and always go back to earlier poetry overview sheets to backfill the sections with the new concepts we learn.  I will be doing a check of your notes at the beginning of each week, so be prompt about filling those sheets in while the information is fresh in your minds.

- T. Marcus